Feb 6, 2011

FarmVille Giant Cocoa Tree!

FarmVille Giant Cocoa Tree
Apparently, a brand new tree has been popping up on FarmVille Freak’s farms from Mystery Seedlings! The Giant Cocoa Tree seems to be the latest addition to the Mystery Seedlings produced from Orchards.
A big thank you to FarmVille Freak Simen & Suika, for sharing these pictures with us!
This Giant Cocoa tree is also masterable, and here are the levels:
  • Level 1 – 75
  • Level 2 – 225
  • Level 3 – 450

FarmVille Freak Simen's Giant Cocoa Tree Mystery Seedling Notice

FarmVille Freak Suika's Giant Cocoa Tree Gift Notice
As always, if you grow a Giant Cocoa tree on your farm, you will be able to share it with a neighbor as well!

FarmVille Freak Suika's Giant Cocoa Tree

FarmVille Freak Looney Tornado's Giant Cocoa Tree


  • February 6, 2011 at 4:12 AM
    Anonymous Disse:

    How much does the fruit sell for please?


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