Jan 21, 2011

Raspberries Crop Now Yielding 5 XP Market Glitch!

FarmVille Raspberries
UPDATE: Too good to be true! It is a market glitch. When harvested Raspberries still yield 0 XP.
Gasp! FarmVille Raspberries are now yielding XP, actually an astounding 5 XP per plot!
Previously, Raspberries did not give any XP at all. Currently, no other FarmVille crop yields this much XP per plot. Even better Raspberries are fast growers and take only 2 hours until they are ready to harvest. The next runner-up for most XP is Electric Lilies at 4 XP and growth time of 1 day.
Raspberries just became an instant farmer’s favorite.
Will you start growing Raspberries on your farm?

FarmVille Raspberries


  • January 21, 2011 at 9:17 AM
    Pattye Disse:

    it is not true :(


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