Oct 7, 2011

Gift Box Expansion!

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It's finally here! Now you can stuff a B-jaillion more stuff (well not a B-jillion, but you get the point) in your gift box!!! With this new expansion, you can now have up to 500 unique items and 5,000 items total!!!

  • Old limit was 500 items total
  • If a player reaches the 500 limit and gets 1 more item, the game triggers an eviction process. If that 1 more item is considered rare, it will force a non-rare item to be deleted from the gift box.


What's the difference between total items and unique items?
Total items are the complete number items you can hold in your gift box. Previously, it used to be 500 items. Unique items are the number of different items found in the gift box.
  • New total items limit is 5,000
  • New total unique items is 500

For example, let's you have the following in your gift box:
  • 1,000 Stones
  • 1,000 Bricks
  • 1,000 Special Delivery Boxes
  • 1,000 Planks
  • 1,000 Logs

That means that you have 5 unique items and 5,000 total items. This also means that you have hit your total items limit.

What happens if you hit your 5,000 total limit?
If a user reaches their 5,000 total item limit and gets 1 more item, the game triggers an eviction process (similar the previous way). If that new item is considered rare, it will force a non-rare item to be deleted from the gift box.

Let's use an Unwither Ring as an example. Pretend you have 5,000 Special Delivery Boxes and you just bought an Unwither Ring. Since this Ring is considered rare, and you have 5,000 SDB (which are not rare), the Unwither Ring will replace 1 Special Delivery Box. In the end, you will have 1 Ring and 4,999 SDBs.

What happens if you hit your 500 unique limit? 
If a user reaches their 500 unique limit and gets 1 more unique item, the game triggers an eviction process (similar to the previous way). If that new item is considered rare, it will force a non-rare item AND the total number of that particular non-rare item to be deleted from the gift box.

For example, imagine you have 500 unique (different) items already and you just bought a Platinum Mastery Statue. Since Platinum Mastery Statues are considered rare, it will replace 1 non-rare unique item.

Now let us consider that out of the 500 other unique items, you have 499 rare unique items already and Special Delivery Boxes, but you have 1,000 Special Delivery Boxes. Since Platinum Mastery Statues are rare, the game will force a non-rare item out of the gift box. In this case, the Special Delivery Boxes, ALL 1,000 SPECIAL DELIVERY BOXES WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE GIFT BOX.

This means you will have 500 unique items (the maximum unique limit) and no Special Delivery Boxes.

If you have reached your limits, the game will evict items in this order starting from non-rare to rare.

5 comments em “Gift Box Expansion!”

  • October 7, 2011 at 2:46 PM
    Maureen Disse:

    Can we now open eggs and mystery boxes if we have more than 500 items? Or do we still have to get rid of our gifts in order to open them

  • October 7, 2011 at 3:47 PM
    Karen Disse:

    nope. I had to get my box down under 500 to open eggs

  • October 8, 2011 at 3:43 AM
    Anonymous Disse:

    yes you can now open eggs and boxes

  • October 8, 2011 at 11:21 AM
    Anonymous Disse:

    this is a load of crap- there is no eviction process-
    dont know who's farm you have been playing, but people have not been able to stay under 500 items in their gift box since fv released all the new buildings..........

  • October 9, 2011 at 1:48 PM
    Ralphy Disse:

    They should have expanded it a while ago, since they added 2 new farms - English Countryside and the Harbor. Each of those requires different building materials (different unique items) So to keep us under 500 total items with 3 farms and the different building going on was nonsense. I don't like how they are going to remove all of one kind of item if you go over. That is nonsense too. If I have 4900 items, and 100 SDB and I add one item, it should remove 1 SDB instead of 100 SDB. What is the point of removing the TOTAL of one unique item? This is going to bottle-neck us further. It's hard enough already to keep everything you're gonna need for buildings and other (possibly) future farms. When quests END they should let us know what items are not needed in our Gift Box anymore, and REMOVE those items first. I still have Cheese for the mouse when I moved to England. Will I need the Cheese again? Don't know, so I keep everything (guess you could say I'm a virtual hoarder!) IF ZYNGA KNOWS you are not going to use stuff from old (say) Christmas quests - ZYNGA should remove that from your gift box instead of all your SDBoxes.


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