The newest buildable the Wildlife Habitat is being slow released to farmers. The Wildlife Habitat will be a place you will be able to breed and raise new animals in Farmville. First you must construct your habitat which can be done with materials sent by your neighbors.
Click below on the images to send one to your friends ! So they can Build their Wildlife Habitat !
Required Construction Materials :
10 Fence Post
10 Shrub
10 Grazing Grass
10 Shrub
10 Grazing Grass
Obtaining Construction Materials :
1. Send and receive building supplies for free via the FarmVille Free Gifts Page.
2. Find free building supplies on your Facebook News Feed from neighbors’ shares.
3. Use the “Ask for Parts” button. (May use button every 4 hours.)
4. Purchase directly with Farm Cash via the FarmVille Market.
2. Find free building supplies on your Facebook News Feed from neighbors’ shares.
3. Use the “Ask for Parts” button. (May use button every 4 hours.)
4. Purchase directly with Farm Cash via the FarmVille Market.