May 27, 2011

Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!

FarmVille Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!It’s Likely the mystery game is gonna be a Chrome Theme with if these 5 items were in there plus an old thing ,or they make something else to put in there . Cherome Fountain,Cherome Duck,Cherome Gnome,Cherome Pony,Cherome pegasus.
249326 1822605437867 1022136767 1604056 6023643 n FarmVille Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!249326 1822605477868 1022136767 1604057 2162667 n FarmVille Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!249326 1822605517869 1022136767 1604058 2920619 n FarmVille Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!
249326 1822605557870 1022136767 1604059 3737344 n FarmVille Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!249326 1822605597871 1022136767 1604060 2117123 n FarmVille Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!

2 comments em “Unreleased Chrome Mystery Game Prizes!”

  • May 27, 2011 at 9:44 AM
    Anonymous Disse:

    these items should be avalible in the market for coin/farm cash but mainly coins! farmville needs to think about all of there players not just the ones who have money!! :( its sad that we have to buy all the cool things or try to win them! i like playing this game but i feeel that i might stop soon due to the fact u need to put a lot of money into playin the game to get the cool things!! >:(

  • May 28, 2011 at 7:31 AM
    Anonymous Disse:

    I agree 100% yorum. I am a huge FV fan but am myself but the greediness has gone way to far.


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