May 10, 2011

FarmVille “A Friend Wants to Breed With You” Email Notice

FarmVille Email Feature Coming Soon

Thank you to FarmVille Freak Clara & Pnina for giving us a heads up on this Promotional Email they received from FarmVille.
It looks as though at some point very soon we will be able to breed our sheep with our friend’s sheep. Doesn’t that sound exciting? This may make it much easier to get those starred, striped and chameleon sheep that so many of us do not have yet.

FarmVille Freak Clara's A Friend Wants to Breed With You Email

FarmVille Freak Pnina's Breed With Friends Email Notice

2 comments em “FarmVille “A Friend Wants to Breed With You” Email Notice”

  • May 10, 2011 at 12:41 PM
    Anonymous Disse:


  • May 14, 2011 at 10:30 AM
    Anonymous Disse:

    that;s all well and good.. but we can already adopt these from off the feed... what about unlocking the lambs from in the giftbox so we can place them on EITHER farm instead of just English Farm.. How are we ever going to get the stripes & patterns onto our original farms unless we can place adopted lambs there???


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