Mar 1, 2011

FarmVille Leprechaun Cottage Now Gives Gold!

FarmVille Leprechaun Cottage Stage 4
Recently, in honor of the St. Patrick’s Day theme, the Leprechaun Cottage made an appearance in FarmVille! After finishing its construction, you may have noticed that it was a harvestable building.
After the night of its debut, the Leprechaun Cottage remained harvestable, but players were not able to get anything from it. Starting this afternoon, several FarmVille Freaks reported that the FarmVille Leprechaun Cottage can now be harvested for Gold!
FarmVille Gold Inside Leprechaun Cottage
Not only can you harvest this Gold for yourself, but some can also be shared with your neighbors!
FarmVille Share Gold FaceBook Notice
The FarmVille Leprechaun Cottage will work similar to the Haunted House & the Cupid’s Castle! This means that when you visit your neighboring farms, you can also harvest their Leprechaun Cottage for Gold!
It seems as though the amount of gold you can collect from the Leprechaun Cottage depends on which level your Cottage is at! You may recall that the Leprechaun Cottage has 4 stages, and in order to completely finish building it, you will need 150 total construction parts!
For now, Gold can only be harvested and collected from your neighbors and be stored in your gift box. Upon clicking “Use” you will receive the following pop-up:
FarmVille Save Your Gold Notice
FarmVille Gold Bar
FarmVille Gold Chunk
FarmVille Golden Nugget
FarmVille Golden Harp
FarmVille Golden Coin

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